Saturday, 19 October 2019

With the advent of technology, the post cards and in-land letters are not the popular communication modes any more for personal interaction. This is the age of cell phones, short messages, video calls, Facebook, WhatsApp etc. This lesson Nehru’s letter to daughter Indira on her birthday is highlighted to make these technological students understand the significance of letters in those days.
In 1930s many of our leaders were imprisoned by the British. While in Naini Prison Nehru wrote a letter to his daughter, who was in Mussoorie, on her 13th birthday.  Nehru elucidated how life began in the universe in his first letter ‘Book of Nature’. In the other letters he speaks on a wide range of topics including languages, trade, history, science, epics, evolution etc. With the intension of inspiring his daughter Nehru continuously wrote to her for four years from prison.
Being very rich Indira received material and solid presents and good wishes on her birthday but her father sent the mind and spirit instead of solid and material presents from Naini prison. He thought that the best way to find out what was right and what was not right, what should be done and what should not be done through not by sermonizing but by talking and discussing. Though they discussed many a thing in the letters he made her understand that beyond the world lie other wonderful and mysterious worlds to imagine. He wrote her those letters to make a suggestion for her to think over as if they really had a talk.
Nehru made her remember Jeanne d’ Arc known as Joan of Arc who inspired Indira with her ambitions. He said that the ordinary men and women were not heroic. When the time came they all became heroes for a great cause. Great leaders inspired them and made them do great deeds. Nehru also said to his daughter, “In India a great leader, full of love for all who suffer and eager to help them, has inspired our people to great actions and noble sacrifice. He has helped to make the starving, the poor and the oppressed free and happy.”
Bapuji’s magical message from prison stole the hearts of millions of India. Everyone came out of their shells and became soldiers. Nehru said that the freedom movement is like a great drama people were all making history and fortunate to be the participants.
Nehru said that in our great Freedom Movement, under Bapuji’s leadership, there was no room for secrecy. People were not afraid of what they did or what they said. They worked in the sun and the light. Nehru inspired Indira to do same then she would grow up a child of the light, unafraid and serene and unruffled whatever might happen. He wished her with all his love to grow up into a brave soldier in India’s service.